Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Stupid things about Apple, post 15.b: Ongoing speculation about Steve's health

I love Apple, just like you (and if you don't then you're in the closet about it, and you know it), but we're witnessing the down side of the rumor mill. Rumors fuel interest, if you're in marketing, this is good if the interest is possitive, but if the interest is negative, then you get smacked down.

Now the rumor mill is saying that Steve isn't doing Macworld because he's seriously ill, which could be true, if it was, Apple would have said so wouldn't they? I'd assume so, they've never lied to us before, you always get what you pay for and more with Apple on the product front...

Anyway, I maintain that only a robot, vampire or God is the only true candidate
to run a religion great corporation like Apple.

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