1. First, you run the risk of failing, because you're breaking new ground and making leaps of faith. Sure these can pay off (iPod) but they can also burn you, (Newton, Cube, turtle necks).
2. After you have a great idea, someone steals it (Vista) even if their version sucks (Vista).
3. After they steal it, you lose market share, and bloggers who are into other platforms and 'just don't get' what you're about needle you with it.
4. If you become successful when you innovate, 'interest groups' (governments and your competition) will move to dissemble your good work, by destabilizing your 'monopoly.'
5. You have to keep innovating.
6. It's expensive, and you have to pass these costs on to your customers.
7. You eventually have to integrate a phone into part of your product base.
8. Like an aging 50 something, you have to settle with the Beatles.
9. Eventually you'll run out of pronouns to put 'i' in front of, and change to 'Mac' something, and 'Mac' something 'Pro.' (Mac Yourmumsa Pro, tee-hee).
10. Eventually you'll run out of decimals, and your OS will have to go to 11, then you know what they'll all be blogging next...
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